Module freya::_docs::theming

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⚠️ As of 2023-12-19, extending the base theme is not supported.

Freya has built-in support for Theming.

Accessing the current theme

You can access the current theme via the use_get_theme hook.

fn app() -> Element {
        ThemeProvider {
            Component { }

fn Component() -> Element {
    let theme = use_get_theme();

    let button_theme = &theme.button;

        rect {
            background: "{button_theme.background}",

Custom default theme

By default, the selected theme is LIGHT_THEME. You can use the alternative, DARK_THEME.

fn app() -> Element {
        ThemeProvider {
            theme: LIGHT_THEME,
            Component { }

fn Component() -> Element {
    let theme = use_get_theme();

    let button_theme = &theme.button;

        rect {
            background: "{button_theme.background}",

Change the theme

Changing the selected theme at runtime is possible by using the use_theme hook.

fn app() -> Element {
        ThemeProvider {
            Component { }

fn Component() -> Element {
    let mut theme = use_theme();

    let onclick = move |_| {
        *theme.write() = LIGHT_THEME;

        Button {
            label {
                "Use Light theme"

Change theme for an individual component

Most built-in components have their own theme “override.” You can specify values to override like this:

fn app() -> Element {
    rsx! {
        Button {
            theme: ButtonThemeWith {
                background: Some("blue".into()),
                font_theme: Some(FontThemeWith {
                    color: Some("white".into()),
            label { "I'm blue now" }

You need to use a different “type” of theme. In the “ThemeWith” structs, each field is optional, so that the component knows what to override and what to keep. Also, you need to spread ..Default::default, to make all the other fields None.

To make this less verbose, you can use the theme_with! macro:

fn app() -> Element {
    rsx! {
        Button {
            theme: theme_with!(ButtonTheme {
                background: "blue".into(),
                font_theme: theme_with!(FontTheme {
                    color: "white".into(),
            label { "I'm blue now" }

As you can see, it removes the need for the “With” suffix, because that is already in the macro name. More importantly, though, it wraps each field in a Some, and adds the spread.

Custom theme

You can build themes from scratch or extended from others, like here with LIGHT_THEME:

const CUSTOM_THEME: Theme = Theme {
    button: ButtonTheme {
        background: Cow::Borrowed("rgb(230, 0, 0)"),
        hover_background: Cow::Borrowed("rgb(150, 0, 0)"),
        font_theme: FontTheme {
            color: Cow::Borrowed("white"),

fn app() -> Element {
        ThemeProvider {
            theme: CUSTOM_THEME,
            rect {
                width: "100%",
                height: "100%",
                Button {
                    label {